Can CBD Make You Tired?

One of the many reasons to turn to CBD is to promote a restful night’s sleep. If you have tried other over-the-counter or prescription sleep products, you may have found that they leave you feeling drowsy in the morning. Or you may be confused as to how CBD can assist with sleep since it can also be used during the day. Here are the answers to the top questions we’re asked regarding whether CBD can make you tired and how to use it to promote sleep.

Please NoteCBD companies cannot provide medical advice and we cannot guarantee that CBD will effectively soothe your mind or body. The data we provide is for informational purposes. Consult with your physician for guidance on all dietary supplements.

What Is CBD?

What Is CBD?

CBD is an active compound found in all strains of the cannabis plant, of which there are over 700 strains. While many strains of cannabis can get you high, industrial hemp is naturally low in the intoxicating compound THC.

Per the guidelines of the Farm Bill of 2018, industrial hemp is legal to farm, process, sell, and purchase in all 50 states—as long as it is processed to contain .3 percent or less of THC. This is not enough THC to get you high.

While legal, hemp-derived CBD is not FDA-approved, except for one epilepsy drug that contains CBD. Per drug classifications, marijuana and CBD are not differentiated. While marijuana has been decriminalized for small amounts of possession in many states where marijuana is not legal—it is still classified as a Schedule I Drug. What this means is that your employer, school, sports team, or extracurricular activity may prohibit the use of hemp-derived CBD. Or they may allow use but prohibit possession on site. If you aren’t sure of your school, company, or extracurricular organization’s CBD policy—just ask.

What Does CBD Do To You?

What Does CBD Do To You?

Before we dive into whether CBD can cause fatigue, let’s discuss how CBD works in your body. CBD is a type of naturally occurring cannabinoid, like the cannabinoids that our body naturally produces. These cellular messengers activate our body’s process of homeostasis. Cannabis is the only plant that contains CBD in a high enough percentage to activate the process of homeostasis in our bodies.

Homeostasis is prompted by our two endocannabinoid systems:

  • CB1 which is in the central nervous system (brain and nerves of the spinal cord)
  • CB2 which is in the peripheral nervous system (nerves in your extremities), the digestive system, and specialized cells in the immune system

Although homeostasis is a natural process, when we are sick or stressed our body produces higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This places our body in fight or flight mode, often slowing the rate at which we self-regulate and balance our bodies with homeostasis. This includes the regulation and balancing of:

  • Temperature
  • Hormones
  • pH
  • Coordination
  • Pain control
  • Mood
  • Memory
  • Quality of sleep
  • Appetite
  • And more

Can CBD Cause Fatigue?

Can CBD Cause Fatigue?

It is unlikely that CBD will cause fatigue or drowsiness, as relaxation is a more likely response. However, everyone responds differently to plant-based dietary supplements so pay attention to how you feel once you start taking CBD. While there are zero reports of overdose, almost anything we consume can have a side effect. While extremely rare, and most often when taken in extremely high doses (more than 20,000 milligrams per day), side effects of CBD include:

  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Low-blood pressure
  • Reduced appetite
  • Negative interaction with prescription medications

Why Does CBD Make Me Feel Tired?

Why Does CBD Make Me Feel Tired?

Activating the process of homeostasis helps to reduce the release of the stress hormone cortisol and increases the release of the feel-good hormone serotonin. This can relax your mind and body helping you wind down to promote a restful night’s sleep. CBD may not necessarily make you feel tired, but relaxed enough to calm your racing mind and soothe your sore or tired body. That is unless you are taking a CBD sleep formula that is combined with melatonin and designed to make you feel tired.

Our clients have been asking for it, so Holmes Organics is excited to announce that we have a Melatonin and Sleep Gummy coming this Fall! This way you can enjoy the benefits of both melatonin and CBD to ease you into a restful night of sleep.

What Is Melatonin?

Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that our body produces in the evening to support the circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm helps us to naturally tire when it gets dark out and naturally awaken when the sun rises.

Although our body naturally creates melatonin, production slows as we age, so many turn to melatonin supplements. If we are stressed out or our body is producing more cortisol than is healthy, taking melatonin supplements may improve your sleep.

There are a variety of melatonin products to choose from, including creams, teas, capsules, and CBD and melatonin gummies.

There are many other ways to support the circadian rhythm, such as getting up and going to bed at the same time each day.

Can CBD Make Me Feel Drowsy In The Morning?

Can CBD Make Me Feel Drowsy In The Morning?

Even if you are taking a melatonin and CBD blend, you should not feel drowsy in the morning as you may feel when taking prescription sleep medications. In fact, you can take CBD any time of the day as the goal is to promote the process of homeostasis.

We suggest talking with your physician to determine how many milligrams to start with per serving, as well as how often to take your CBD. Some of our clients only take CBD an hour or so before bed to wind down for the day, while others take it in the morning to promote clarity and focus. This may be as-needed, daily, or more than one serving per day.

Should I Take CBD At Night?

Should I Take CBD At Night?

If you toss and turn at night, can’t turn off your racing mind, wake up and can’t get back to sleep, or have a difficult time finding a comfortable position to sleep in—try CBD about an hour before you head to bed. As with anything new, you may not feel results the very first night, so give it at least 3 weeks. However, many of Holmes Organics clients use CBD as-needed and feel same-day results.

What Happens If You Take CBD Every Day?

What Happens If You Take CBD Every Day?

This is a question you’ll have to answer for yourself. Everyone’s results vary, so pay attention to how you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically. Again, it may take a few weeks to feel a significant difference. Or you may feel rapid benefits that improve over the first few weeks.

Most of our customers start with between 10 and 30 milligrams per serving, once or more per day. Maybe one serving in the morning and one serving before bed. You may also use a mix of our products. For example, you may add our CBD oil tincture to your morning coffee, apply our topical CBD cream to sore muscles and joints, and take a CBD gummy at night.

Holmes Organics CBD

Holmes Organics CBD

Holmes Organics provides a diverse range of premium CBD products. Our products are full-spectrum, pure, and USDA-Certified Organic. We are fully transparent, have each batch third-party lab tested, and provide our lab test results for each batch online. Browse our premium CBD now!

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