What Is The Best Therapy For Autism

There is no cure for autism, but therapy can help autistic children and adults further develop their skills. It can also help parents and caregivers create daily routines and empower their autistic loved one to be more independent. Independent and group therapy can be a safe place for family members and caregivers to share.

Please Note—CBD companies cannot provide medical advice and we cannot guarantee that CBD will effectively soothe your mind or body. The data we provide is for informational purposes. Consult with your physician for guidance on all dietary supplements.

What are the 3 main symptoms of autism?

Most children begin to present the 3 core symptoms of autism between the ages of 17 and 24 months. However, many children and adults with mild or moderate autism are diagnosed later in life. This is often because their symptoms are mistaken for general learning disabilities, being shy, or acting out.

The 3 most common symptoms include:

Delayed milestones—pay close attention to the milestones children should achieve by their age group. While children develop at their own rate, discuss delayed milestones with their physician.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • No smile by 6 months of age.
  • No facial expression by 9 months of age.
  • No cooing or sounds by 12 months of age.
  • No pointing or waving by 12 months of age.
  • No speech by 16 months of age.

**Social awkwardness—**signs of social awkwardness begin as an infant and become increasingly apparent as children age.

This includes:

  • Avoids eye contact during feeding.
  • Prefers to play alone.
  • Does not respond to their name.
  • Does not like being hugged or touched.
  • Minor changes to their daily routine upset your child or cause major disruption.
  • Has trouble understanding, identifying, or talking about feelings.

Verbal and non-verbal communication challenges: communication is a significant challenge for those living with autism. Identifying their unique communication challenges helps you identify the best treatment for autism.

  • Repeating the same word over and over again.
  • Speaking in a monotone voice, often without facial expressions.
  • Inability to understand conversational emotions such as sarcasm.
  • Difficulty communicating what they want and need.

Also be mindful of regression in milestones, repetitive behaviors, abnormal behaviors, and temper tantrums. While temper tantrums aren’t uncommon in children ages 2 to 5, in autistic children they can include harmful behaviors such as pinching themselves, banging their head against the floor, or extreme reactions to aroma, noise, and changes to their daily routine.

Does autism go away?

Those living on the spectrum have different brain chemistry. There is no cure for autism and no way to change their brain chemistry. Those with extreme autism who tend to self-harm may be prescribed medication to minimize irritability. There are currently no prescriptions that treat the 3 core symptoms above. However, many turn to a variety of therapies to personalize treatment and care and help those living with autism to develop their individual skills.

Does autism get better with therapy?

While there is no treatment for autism’s core symptoms, there are a variety of therapies that may help. It is essential to identify a therapist who specializes in working with children, teens, or adults who are neurodiverse.

What is the most effective therapy for autism?

As with all things in life, there is no one-size-fits-all therapy solution. You may need to try a variety of traditional and non-traditional therapies to determine what works for you or your child.

For neuroatypical family members and caregivers, support groups, individual therapy, and family therapy can be highly effective. Support groups and talk therapy provide a safe place to vent and share, as many friends and family will not be able to provide adequate support. It also provides access to countless tools and resources.

With online therapy and global support groups, it’s never been easier to access the autism caregiver community.

What kind of therapy is used for autism?

There are a variety of therapies that can be helpful at different stages of development. Development may be delayed, so most parents create a personalized but evolving treatment plan. Feel free to Google “autism therapy near me” but be sure to explore online-only resources.

Some of the traditional and alternative therapies include:

Play therapy—children of all ages express themselves during play. Since children with autism often have communication challenges, play therapy can be essential for communication. Particularly in children and adults who are non-verbal.

Behavioral therapy—there are a variety of behavioral therapies to choose from so your therapist will determine the best option for your child. For children with autism, behavioral therapy is often geared toward using rewards to reinforce positive behaviors, teach new skills, and help parents and caregivers provide relevant feedback.

Occupational therapy—despite the name, occupational therapy is utilized to help autistic children with essential activities of daily living. It can help improve motor skills, toilet training, dressing, hygiene, attention span, problem-solving, play skills, determining needs for personal space, and more.

Speech therapy—as many as 1 in 3 children and adults living with autism have trouble producing sounds to communicate effectively. Speech therapy can help with improving sounds, eye contact, and conversational skills. It can also be used to teach communication through gestures, electronic talkers, signing, typing, symbols, and pictures.

Animal therapy—pet therapy for autism includes getting a house pet such as a turtle, cat, dog, or rabbit. Some autistic children thrive with a support dog. Others have had great success with equine therapy at a local horse ranch that has a program for autistic children and adults.

Can you take CBD for autism?

This is something to discuss with your physician. There are a variety of past, current, and ongoing studies designed to determine if CBD can help regulate the brain chemistry in those living on the spectrum.

If you and your physician decide to give CBD a try, we suggest pure and high-quality products that are:

  • USDA-Certified Organic or made with organic ingredients

  • Third-Party lab tested

  • Have an online third-party certificate of analysis

  • Processed from US-grown hemp flowers

  • Pure with no toxic additives or fillers

  • Clearly stated milligrams per serving

Holmes Organics meets the criteria above. We also process our CBD products to filter out the THC to 0.0%.

Our products are available in Gummies, Softgels, and Oil. CBD oil is your most versatile option as it can be mixed in foods and beverages and applied topically. However, a gummy or softgel may be easier to take.

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